Decision details

Actions to recruit and retain social workers - progress update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To inform Cabinet of the actions undertaken as part of the council's social work recruitment and retention campaign and progress made since August 2014. This paper will provide an update on the paper presented 21 April 2015 and will also be making recommendations regarding next steps for April 2016 onwards


Councillor Keith Humphries presented the report which provided a further update on actions carried out during 2015/16 following the Cabinet report on the 21 April 2015 in respect of recruiting and retaining social workers. The report also detailed the significant progress made from the campaign start (August 2014) until March 2016 and identified actions for 2016/2017 to sustain the improvements made. In making his presentation, Councillor Humphries acknowledged that the issues were jointly the responsibility of Councillor Laura Mayes and Councillor Stuart Wheeler.


Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: the involvement of the Staffing Policy Committee in the development of the proposals the progress that had been made in reducing the vacancy rate; the success of using social media in recruitment; how actions, including identifying training and career progression pathways had been taken to attract and retain staff; that the actions taken had reduced the potential additional costs to the council by £600k;  that the aim was to have zero staff agency costs within three years; and that the project had been a successful example of cross-departmental working.




  1. To note the progress of the recruitment campaign to recruit social workers and support the further actions being taken and planned to recruit and retain social workers.


  1. That the officers involved be congratulated for their continued efforts in making the campaign a success.


Reason for Decisions


To improve the recruitment and retention of experienced social workers and social work managers.

Contact: Jane Graham, Resourcing Manager Email:, Joanne Pitt, Director - Human Resources and Organisational Development and Transformation Email: Tel: 01225 713167.

Report author: Jane Graham

Publication date: 21/06/2016

Date of decision: 14/06/2016

Decided at meeting: 14/06/2016 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: