Decision details

HTW-13-18 Byway 20 Amesbury, Prohibition of Driving Order

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the 39 objections received in regards to the proposed Prohibition of Driving Order on the entire length of Byway 20 Amesbury (see Appendix 2).


I approve that the proposals be implemented with amendments.


This decision was published on 29/03/18 and will come into force on 10/04/18

Reasons for the decision:

Decision will be to omit the section of Byway that runs between the main road (Stockport Avenue) to its junction with Stockport Road (see Appendix 3).


In the light of the number of objections received requesting that the lower section of the Byway leading towards Stockport Park remain available for vehicular access, this section will be removed from the scheme.  The order will remove any potential conflict between motorised vehicle and pedestrian. The removal of motorised vehicles, in particular the use of motorbikes, has been also promoted in the consultation response of the Police.

Alternative options considered:



(i)         Implement the proposals as advertised.

(ii)        Not implement the proposals.

(iii)       Implement the proposals with amendments

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultations have been undertaken with the Fire Service, Police and Ambulance Service and also with the relevant bus companies, the Town Council, the Local Member.  Advertisements have been posted in the local press and notices were posted in prominent positions at the site (see Appendix 1).

Contact: Julie Cleave, DC Engineer Level 3 01225 713463 email: Tel: 01225 713463.

Publication date: 19/03/2018

Date of decision: 27/03/2018

Date comes into force if not called in: 10/04/2018

Call-in deadline date: 09/04/2018

Accompanying Documents: