Decision details

HTW-31-18: Proposed Waiting Restrictions, Various Locations, Salisbury

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes




(i)         Consider the comments received following the formal advertisement of proposed amendments to the layout of waiting restrictions at various locations in Salisbury.


(ii)        Recommend the making of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO hereafter) with amendments to the advertised proposals.


I approve that:


i)             The proposed waiting restrictions be introduced as advertised subject to the following amendments:


a)    The proposed NWAAT restrictions in Heronswood are not introduced.

b)    The proposed NWAAT restrictions in Lime Kiln Way are not introduced.

c)    The proposed restriction on the layby in Lime Kiln Way is amended to parking limited to ‘2 hours, No return within 4 hours Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm’.

d)    The proposed NWAAT restrictions in Jewell Close are not introduced.


ii)            Correspondents be informed accordingly.    


This decision was published on 31 August 2018 and will come into force on 10 September 2018.

Reasons for the decision:

The amendments proposed to the Council’s advertised proposals serve to directly address concerns raised by correspondents without being detrimental to the Council meeting its statutory obligations as the highway authority. The proposed amendments will also be in accordance with both Priority 2 and Priority 4 of the Council’s Business Plan.

Alternative options considered:



(i)       Implement the proposed waiting restrictions as advertised.


(ii)      Amend the proposals in consideration of the comments received.


(iii)      Abandon the proposals.

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has been undertaken with:


·         The elected Wiltshire Council Members representing Salisbury Wards.

·         The elected Salisbury City Council Members for all wards through the statutory TRO consultation process.

·         Members of the public through the statutory TRO consultation process.

·         Emergency services through the statutory TRO consultation process.


During the period permitted for representation on my intention to make this decision, I have received one representation which is summarised in Appendix 5 attached to this report.


Contact: Paul Shaddock, Senior Engineer 01722 434671 / Email: Email: Tel: 01722 434671.

Publication date: 17/08/2018

Date of decision: 31/08/2018

Effective from: 10/09/2018

Accompanying Documents: