Decision details

Approval for allocation of Contain Outbreak Management Fund

Decision Maker: Andy Brown (Corporate Director Resources & Deputy Chief Executive)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the allocation of Contain Outbreak Management Fund received to the end of December.

Reasons for the decision:

This decision would in other circumstances be taken by Cabinet. However, in circumstances where the Cabinet is unable to meet to expedite its functions in a timely manner during the COVID-19 pandemic, this decision is being taken in accordance with the power referred to in paragraph 1 above in consultation with the Leader and other members of the Corporate Leadership Team. This decision will be reported to the next meeting of the Cabinet.

The Council has received £5m of funding to the end of December from Government for use to help reduce the spread of coronavirus and support local public health. Proposals. Further funding is also expected to follow. The allocation of the £5m of funding is set out at Appendix 1.

I confirm that in making this decision I have considered the following in line with Wiltshire Council’s Constitution:

Key decision requirements: Yes. This is the allocation of £5m of funding so is a key decision.

Views of relevant cabinet member(s), committee chairman, area board(s): Yes. Consultation has taken place with the Leader of the Council who is supportive of the allocation of funding.

Consultation with local members (as appropriate): NA

Consideration of the area boards and delegated decision checklist for officers on the issue of when and how to involve local councillors and area boards in decisions about local services: NA

Implication of any council policy, initiative, strategy or procedure: Yes

Consultation in accordance with requirements and expectations of consultation with the public: Yes

Range of options available: A range of options have been considered for the allocation of funding developed with input from Directors across the council. The use of funding has been prioritised on the basis of public health advice on reducing infections.

Staffing, financial and legal implications: Yes. The proposal has been developed with input from HR, finance teams and advice from the monitoring officer. Staff from existing teams working on project delivery will have time recharged to COMF fund.

Evidence of due regard having been given to the Public Sector Equality Duty: Yes. The funding is targeted on supporting those in society who are most vulnerable – for example, provision is included for facilities on gypsy and traveller sites and laptops made available to pupils without, many of whom could be disproportionately from BME backgrounds.

Risk assessment: Yes. The funding has been allocated to target areas at highest risk of transmission during the latest lockdown.

Involvement of statutory officers and/or directors: Yes. The proposal has been developed with input from HR, finance teams and advice from the monitoring officer – and crucially with the advice and support of the Director of Public Health.

Regional or national guidance from other bodies: The allocation of funding is consistent with central government guidance on the COMF.

The council’s constitution: Yes. This decision is an officer decision made under emergency powers.

This contract is suitable for execution under the e-signature process: N/A

Alternative options considered:

6There is no option to withhold funding as this would be inconsistent with central government advice. Consultation took place with a range of officers in developing these proposals and there is scope to fund other projects not considered in this round in further months.

Conflict of Interest: Not applicable.

Background: Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Part 3 Section D, the Directors of Wiltshire Council are is empowered to take all necessary decisions in cases of emergency. This decision is being taken by Andy Brown, Corporate Director of Resources, using these powers in circumstances where the Director concerned believes that there is a risk of damage to property, a threat to the health or wellbeing of an individual and/or that the interests of the Council may be compromised if this decision is not otherwise taken.

Contact: Andy Brown, Corporate Director Resources & Deputy Chief Executive Corporate Director of Resources, and S151 Officer Email:

Publication date: 27/01/2021

Date of decision: 07/01/2021

Accompanying Documents: