Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene and Flooding
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the comments received following the statutory consultation of proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) alterations on Church Street, Trowbridge. The proposed changes are associated with the Church Street/Union Street Public Realm Improvement scheme put forward as part of the Trowbridge Future High Streets project. Comments relating to the improvement scheme will also be considered within this report.
I approve that implementation of the proposals be progressed as advertised. This decision was published on 26 October 2022 and will come into force on 4 November 2022.
The proposal is intended to provide pedestrian and public realm enhancements at one of the key pedestrian arrival points and access to the town centre to improve the experience of walking into and around the town centre, facilitate safer and accessible movement through to the town centre and improve wayfinding. The current traffic signal junction is no longer fit for purpose and is reaching the end of its serviceable life. This project provides an opportunity to enhance pedestrian facilities in this area whilst enhancing the public realm, in keeping with the Conservation area status.
The proposed waiting restriction amendments are required to ensure that footway widening on Church Street can be undertaken and the benefits of the pedestrian improvements be fully realised.
(i) Progress implementation of the proposals as advertised.
(ii) To abandon the proposal
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Consultation has been undertaken with:
· The elected Wiltshire Council Members through the statutory TRO consultation process and through the scheme development process
· The elected Trowbridge Town Council Members for all Wards through the statutory TRO consultation process and through the scheme development process
· Emergency services through the statutory TRO consultation process
· Members of the public through the statutory TRO consultation process
· A public consultation event on the wider Trowbridge Future High Streets project, including this scheme, was held from 27 January to 11 February 2022
The proposed TROs were subject to consultation between 26 August 2022 and 24 September 2022. The advertisement plan can be seen in Appendix 1 and a general arrangement plan outlining the public realm improvement scheme is shown at Appendix 2. During the consultation period a total of five items of correspondence were received in response to the Council’s proposals. Of the items received, one expressed support, two expressed objection and two were comments on the proposed public realm improvement scheme. A list of respondents can be found in Appendix 3.
Comments were not received by Trowbridge Town Council or the Wiltshire Council elected members during the formal consultation period; however, Trowbridge Town Council has previously indicated its support for the proposed improvement scheme through the Town Development Committee, with an input into the development of the scheme.
Contact: Kirsty Rose, 01225 756182, Email:
Publication date: 17/10/2022
Date of decision: 25/10/2022
Date comes into force if not called in: 04/11/2022
Call-in deadline date: 03/11/2022
Accompanying Documents: