Decision details

TA-05-24INTENTION: Housing Management Services (HRA) Planned Maintenance Contracts Award

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Transport and Assets

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this report is to approve the award of successful tenders for General Fund Planned Maintenance Contracts following a procurement exercise.




At the Cabinet meeting held on 30 November 2021 the strategy for the procurement of the planned and reactive maintenance contracts for Housing and General Fund assets was considered and the strategy approved. It was resolved to Delegate the award of successful tenders to the Cabinet Member for Strategic Assets.


The procurement process was delivered in 2024 using the Open Procedure. An initial compliance review was undertaken to validate that all tenderers had passed the initial selection questionnaire phase and returned all documentation outlined in the Invitation to Tender.


The planned maintenance work was separated into 6 individual Lots with suppliers invited to bid for single, multiple, or all Lots.


Evaluations were undertaken by panels. Supplier bids were evaluated based on their quality proposals and pricing schedules. For each Lot a panel evaluated the Quality Proposal.  The Pricing Schedules were evaluated separately.


Full details of the evaluation process and outcomes is contained within the Procurement Evaluation Report – FM1826 Planned and Reactive Maintenance Lots 1-6. (Note – this document contains information that is Commercial in Confidence and is not in the public domain).





Following consultation with officers I give notice that I intend to make the decision to award the 5 contract Lots to the successful tenderers as set out in the Procurement Evaluation Report – FM1826 Planned and Reactive Maintenance Lots 1-5.


If you would  liketo makeany  representationsto meon  thisissue  pleasedo  soby 24 July 2024.

Reasons for the decision:

The council has a duty to maintain its assets. Part of that maintenance provision is through contracted services which are procured through formal processes as determined by legislation, regulation, and council policy. The decision to award the maintenance contracts is the conclusion of the successful and compliant procurement process.


Alternative options considered:

The outcome of the tender process was that successful bids were identified for each Lot and therefore the option not to award was discounted.


Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation was carried out as part of the development and approval of the strategy for the procurement of the contracts. No further consultation is required for the award of the tenders.


Contact: Vincent Albano, Assistant Portfolio Manager - Asset Management Lead Email: Tel: 01225 756198.

Publication date: 17/07/2024

Date of decision: 17/07/2024

Effective from: 25/07/2024

Current call-in Count: 0