Decision details

HSSF-28-24: 20mph Speed Limit Order 2023 - Various Roads, Trowbridge

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene, and Flooding

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the comments received following the formal advertisement of a proposed 20-mph speed limit in Trowbridge, covering three distinct areas of the town and to recommend an appropriate way forward.  These areas are as follows:


  • Broadmead estate
  • Innox Road and Innox Mill Close
  • St Thomas’s Road area.



I approve that:


(i)             The proposals be implemented as advertised.


(ii)            The objectors be advised accordingly.


This decision was published on 8 November 2024 and will come into effect on 18 November 2024.

Reasons for the decision:

The proposal is intended to improve road safety for all users and to allay concerns of safety expressed by residents. It is intended that the reduction in speed limit will discourage inappropriate use of the roads at peak times and further encourage a greater uptake in sustainable methods of travelling such as walking, wheeling and cycling.


The proposal has the support of the locally elected members, both Wiltshire Council and Trowbridge Town Council, Local Highway Footway Improvement Group and Area Board.


Alternative options considered:



(i)      Implement the proposals as advertised.


(ii)     Implement the proposals as advertised with amendments.


(iii)   Abandon the proposals.


Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has been undertaken with:


  • The elected Wiltshire Council Members through the statutory TRO consultation process 
  • Emergency services through the statutory TRO consultation process 
  • Members of the public through the statutory TRO consultation process


The draft Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) were consulted upon from 4 August to 4 September 2023. This is beyond the normal period to allow an additional week due to the school summer holiday period.


During the advertisement period a total of 20 items of correspondence were received in response to the proposals contained within the advertised TRO.  Of the 20 items of correspondence received, 4 expressed support for the Council’s proposals and 16 objected to the proposals in their current form. 


A plan of the proposals can be found in Appendix 1. A list of respondents can be found in Appendix 2. Details of correspondence together with the officer responses to the comments can be found in Appendix 3. 


Contact: Jamie Mundy - Email:

Publication date: 10/10/2024

Date of decision: 08/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: