Decision details

Safety Valve plan update & School's Block Transfer

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To update Cabinet on the revised High Needs Block sustainability plan, submitted to the Department for Education in December and set it in the context of the School's Block Transfer.




1.    That Cabinet endorse the draft revised plan submitted to the DfE in December, including the new timeline and the interventions set out within it.


That Cabinet approve:


2.    The Corporate Director for Children and Education, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members, to seek agreement for the revised plan from the Department for Education.


3.    An adjustment to the Plan which was submitted to the DfE in January 2024, and revised in December 2024, to request a block transfer of the maximum amount that can be transferred without impacting school budgets (estimated at 0.24%)



Reason for Decision:

Delivery of the SEND Sustainability Plan is vital to removing the DSG deficit, and related financial risk, from the council and bringing DSG into an in year balance position. Having a realistic plan, over seven years, enables the authority to do this is a structured way that does not compromise on the quality of support given to children and young people with SEND.


Delivery of the plan relies on schools and headteachers working effectively with the local authority and continuing to build a more sustainable system. Given the strength of feeling over the School’s Block transfer, and the uncertainty about whether a request for a 1% transfer would be granted by the Secretary of State without Schools Forum approval, it is felt that maintaining the relationships with schools is paramount and a change required to that assumed and included previously.

Reason Key: Service Area Expenditure/Savings >20%;

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Extensive consultation was undertaken during the development of the original plan, and this revised plan does not fundamentally change the agreed approach. Therefore a limited consultation was undertaken with schools and with parent carers, and ongoing consultation is being conducted through the SEND Transformation Stakeholder Reference Panel.

Contact: Ben Stevens, High Needs Block Sust Strat Lead Email: Tel: 01225 713788, Liz Williams, HNB Sustainability Finance Lead Email: Tel: 01225 712521.

Report author: Cabinet Report Management Group

Publication date: 22/01/2025

Date of decision: 21/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 21/01/2025 - Cabinet

Effective from: 30/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: