Decision details

PHPP-01-15 - Minor amendments to fees and charges 2015/16

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health (including Public Health) and Adult Social Care

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report seeks to make a small number of minor amendments to the list of fees and charges relating to the Public Protection Service which were approved by Council in February 2015.


The proposed amendments were highlighted shortly before the budget setting meeting once the papers has been published, but the advice received from finance and democratic services was to treat these changes as minor amendments once the main budget setting process had been completed.


The proposed decision relates to amending fees in relation to weights and measures, public health funerals and private water supply sampling and risk assessments.


The revised fees are detailed below.


·         Increase the officer charging rate for weights and measures stamping and verifications from £55 to £59 and from £33 to £35 where support staff are required (in line with national guidance from the Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers)

·         Introduce a new administration fee for dealing with public health funerals where there are funds in the estate

·         Apply the statutory maximum fee for private water sampling (£100)

·         Apply the statutory maximum fees for check and audit analysis (£25)

·         Increase the charge for water supply risk assessments from £310 to £320


I approve that:

The minor amendments are made to the fees detailed below.


·         Increase the officer charging rate for weights and measures stamping and verifications from £55 to £59 and from £33 to £35 where support staff are required (in line with national guidance from the Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers)

·         Introduce a new administration fee (£300) for dealing with public health funerals where there are funds in the estate

·         Apply the statutory maximum fee for private water sampling (£100)

·         Apply the statutory maximum fees for check and audit analysis (£25)

·         Increase the charge for water supply risk assessments from £310 to £320


This decision was published on 09 April 2015 and will come into force on 17 April 2015.


Reasons for the decision:

To comply with all relevant statutory fees and recent guidance, and reduce the delay in approving these minor amendments to fees and charges. 

Alternative options considered:

These amendments could be delayed until April 2016 and introduced as part of the formal budget setting process for 2016/17. However this would severely delay the introduction of these charges and approving them at this time would enable them to be introduced in a timely manner.


Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation on the original fees and charges took place when they were published as both Cabinet and Council reports. The amendments proposed by this report affect a very small proportion of fees with the majority being unchanged.

Contact: John Carter, Public Health & Public Protection, 01225 770590 Email:

Publication date: 27/03/2015

Date of decision: 08/04/2015

Date comes into force if not called in: 08/04/2015

Call-in deadline date: 07/04/2015

Accompanying Documents: