Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider 199 comments in relation to the proposed change of various speed limits and changes to waiting restrictions in and around Trowbridge/Hilperton Relief Road (known as Elizabeth Way) (see Appendix 4).


A further 22 objections were received after closure date, these will not be considered under this report but they mirror the objections raised previously.


I approve that:


(i)            The proposed speed limits and weight restrictions be implemented subject to the amendments set out above.


(ii)          The proposed waiting restrictions with amendments be implemented.


(iii)         The proposed bus stop clearway be deleted.


This decision was published on 9 July 2015 and will come into force on 17 July 2015.

Reasons for the decision:

S106 planning obligations require the developer to provide (by way of funding and implementation) Traffic Regulation Orders in respect of speed limits, weight limits and waiting restrictions on Elizabeth Way and other existing roads in Trowbridge.  The speed limits satisfy DfT guidance in relation to design and location. The removal of the proposed bus stop clearway and the omission of a section of proposed waiting restrictions on Wyke Road will ensure that public transport can maintain access at all times while limiting the negative effect on residents of the area.


Having considered the representations to lower the proposed 40 mph limit along Soprano Way between its junction with Green Lane and a point 90 metres south of the roundabout adjacent to Castle Mead School, it is proposed to implement the remaining speed limits as advertised, with the length identified above re-advertised at 30 mph.


It has been decided to:


(i)            Implement the proposed speed limits and weight restrictions with amendments.


(ii)          Implement the proposed waiting restrictions with amendments.


(iii)         Delete the proposed bus stop clearway.



Alternative options considered:



(i)       Implement the proposals as advertised.

(ii)      Not implement the proposals.

(iii)      Implement the proposals with amendments.

Divisions Affected: Hilperton (2009-2021 Boundaries); Holt and Staverton (2009-2021 Boundaries); Trowbridge Paxcroft (2009-2021 Boundaries);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

A pre-consultation (November 2014) was undertaken via email, which included consultation of Local Members (including Councillor Oldrieve and Councillor Clark), Town and Parish Councils, Public Transport, Police and other interested parties.


Full consultation commenced on 27 March 2015 and ran for the statutory three weeks until 20 April 2015. This was extended an additional week with closure on 27 April 2015. The consultation was available to view via site notices, in the local papers (including the Wiltshire Times) and on the Wiltshire Council Website.


At this time all parties to the pre-consultation were re-consulted (see Appendix 1).


Towards the end of the consultation period a letter was sent to local residents by Councillor Oldrieve (see Appendix 3).  Due to timescale, the recipients would have been unable to access the relevant documents via the website due to them having been removed at close of formal consultation. The majority of the responses to this letter were received after the end of the consultation period (20 April 2015).  It was decided to accept those received up to and including 27 April 2015. A further 22 objections were received after 27 April 2015, these objections will not be considered under the report but they mirror the objections raised by those under consideration.

Contact: Rebecca LockwoodNorris 01225 713430 email:

Publication date: 23/06/2015

Date of decision: 09/07/2015

Effective from: 17/07/2015

Accompanying Documents: