Decision details

ICB Community Health Service Procurement

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To ask Cabinet to Approve BCF funding for the ICB Community Health Services Contract.




Cabinet Approved:


1)    To commit Better Care Funding of £9,668,777 to the ICB Community Health Contract from 2025-2032 (with a potential for a further 2 years to 2034). See Table 1 Below. 


2)    To delegate authority to Director of Commissioning in consultation with the Director of Finance and Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SENSD, and Inclusion, to approve the revised S.75 agreement and the Collaborative Commissioning agreement that will cover the period of the Community Health Services contract.? 


3)    To delegate authority to the Director of Commissioning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SENS, and Inclusion, to authorise all activities related to the procurement and to sign the contract for the ICB BSW Community Health Services on behalf of Wiltshire Council. ? 


Table 1

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Reasons for the Proposal

To ensure that Community Health Services are provided across BSW, Cabinet is asked to approve the amended financial contribution to be committed from the BCF for the new Community Health Services contract from 1 April 2025, until 31 March 2032, with a possible further 2-year extension.?The contribution of £9,668,776 includes the removal of the HomeFirst service as per above and the addition of £0.310m for the new Wiltshire Health & Care In Reach service.

Reason Key: Contract Value: >£1million annual/£4million including extensions/transfer of >50 employees/commerci;

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Consultation has taken place with ICB colleagues. Governance of Better Care Fund spend is overseen by the joint Locality Commissioning Group.

Contact: Alison Elliott, Director - Commissioning (Agency) Email: Tel: 01225 713138.

Report author: Cabinet Report Management Group

Publication date: 17/09/2024

Date of decision: 17/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 25/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: