Issue - meetings

Disposal Programme

Meeting: 13/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 Disposal Programme

Report of the Chief Executive


Supporting documents:


Cllr Phil Alford Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets and Asset Transfer presented a report which provided detail about (i) capital receipts targets for 2022/23; and (ii) confirmed the freehold interest in 6 assets to be declared surplus and reviewed to determine the best financial return for the Council.


Cllr Jon Hubbard asked about the former library site in Melksham and the inclusion of the car park in declaring the site surplus. Cllr Alford and officers confirmed that the car park was included so that  development options  will be able to provide required car parking provision.




  1. That Members note the position in respect of completed and projected receipts for the financial year 2022/23.


  1. That Members confirm that freehold interest of the 6 assets can be sold to either generate capital receipts in support of the Council’s capital programme or reused to generate income or service delivery, community or strategic outcomes, for the Council.


  1. Where the decision is to dispose, authorise the Director for Assets and Commercial Development to dispose of the freehold interest in the assets or in his absence the Corporate Director Resources.



Reason for decision:


To note the current position in respect of capital receipts and the targets for the financial years 2022/23 and confirm the freehold interest in the 6 assets can be sold to generate capital receipts, after a review of the options to determine how the best overall interest of the Council can be achieved.