Issue - meetings

Appropriation of land between General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

Meeting: 13/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 126)

126 Appropriation of land between General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA)

Report of the Chief Executive


Supporting documents:


Cllr Phil Alford Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets and Asset Transfer presented a report detailing proposals for the appropriation of various property assets held in the General Fund into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to allow for their development, to meet either sheltered or general need housing requirements. The report also proposed the transfer of property held in the HRA into the General Fund.


Cllr Ian Thorn commented on the transfer of funds from the general account to the HRA and detail in relation to a property transferring from the HRA to the general fund. In response Cllr Alford and officers explained that there would be no transfer of cash for the proposal to transfer the property to the HRA as it was a debt transfer. They also confirmed that consent was required from the Secretary of State as part of the process in transferring the bungalow to the general fund.




  1. To appropriate the property assets noted from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account.


  1. Subject to any necessary authority being obtained by the Secretary of State, to appropriate the assets noted from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund


  1. That the relevant accounting adjustments are made.



Reason for decision:


The Housing Revenue Account is a ring-fenced fund. Whilst the Council is generally able to transfer property assets in its holdings, between uses, without specific resolution, property assets cannot be moved in or out of the Housing Revenue Account except through appropriation by way of Cabinet resolution.