Issue - meetings

Procurement of housing related support contract

Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Procurement of Housing Related Support Contract

       Report of the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets, and Asset Transfer presented a report seeking delegated approval to proceed with a procurement exercise to re-commission housing related support services to meet the identified needs of single homeless young people and young parents.


It was explained support services reduced the need for temporary accommodation placements, noting Wiltshire currently had no one placed with Bed & Breakfasts, and that the recommissioned service would seek to better distribute the support provision across the county where it was most needed.


There were no other comments, and it was then,




That Cabinet approved:


1)    The commencement of re-commissioning of housing related support services ensuring that there is a balance of housing related support services provided across all customer groups which will reflect the up-to-date needs; and


2)    To delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets and Asset Transfer and the Cabinet Member for Finance to the award of contracts within the approved budget.



Housing related support services provide valuable support to a range of customers who are in vulnerable situations and in need of support to enable them to live independently and maintain a tenancy. The existing contracts expire on 31 March 2024. In order to secure new contracts from 1 April 2024 it is necessary to commence a procurement exercise immediately.