Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance and Risk Report 2023/24 Q3

Meeting: 06/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Corporate Performance and Risk Report 2023/24 Q3

To receive a report from the Chief Executive.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, introduced a report on measures of performance using data available at the end of the second quarter of the year up through December 2023, in order to assess progress against the goals of the council’s Business Plan.

Metrics relating to children and schools which were not moving in the right direction were highlighted, though it was noted the council had limited direct control to influence the metrics in some areas.


Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children, Education, and Skills, provided details of programmes in place to address some of the metrics, but that these would take time before they had an impact and could be assessed.


Cllr Nick Holder, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, drew attention to metrics relating to the council’s carbon emissions. He confirmed the latest position of 3568 tonnes per year, which had been listed incorrectly in the first two quarter reports, but correctly reported to Full Council in October 2023.


Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND, and Inclusion, provided additional details on the recording of adults in care, including if returning to care following a hospital visit being counted separately to their initially being taken into care.


Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets, and Asset Transfer, added further information regarding affordable housing, decreases in demand for temporary accommodation, and the importance of data cleansing on the housing register to remain up to date and accurate.


Cllr Graham Wright, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, confirmed the Committee would review the report in detail at its next meeting, and noted details relating to staff vacancies, and sought information on the impact on any performance as a result.


Cllr Gordon King stated he shared concerns regarding educational attainment and performance, and looked forward to further scrutiny of the information. 


At the conclusion of discussion, it was then,




That Cabinet note and agree:


a)    Performance against the selected measures mapped to the Council’s strategic priorities;


b)   The Strategic Risk Summary



To provide Cabinet with a quarterly update on measures used to monitor progress against the 10 missions laid out in Wiltshire Council’s Business Plan 2022-32.


The Strategic Risk Summary captures and monitors significant risks facing the Council, in relation to in-service risks facing individual areas and in managing its business across the authority.


This is supported by, and in compliance with, the Council’s Corporate Performance and Risk Policy.