Issue - meetings

Forward Work Plan

Meeting: 07/09/2010 - Environment Select Committee (prior to 15 May 2012) (Item 98)

98 Forward Work Programme

A copy of the draft Forward Work Programme is attached for consideration.

Supporting documents:


The Committee noted the Forward Work Programmes provided with the following comments:


It was understood that the maintenance and cleansing of public conveniences was to become the responsibility of Parish and Town councils.  Further research would be conducted to clarify this.


That the proposed harmonised waste collection service would be based on 2 weekly collections of free garden waste, plastic bottles and cardboard, the retention of the black box for glass, paper, cans and textiles and a 2 weekly collection of residual waste and would be implemented as soon as possible subject to approval by Cabinet on 19 October.


Ensuing discussion followed regarding the council’s consultation process.  Members of the Committee considered the need for the process to be reviewed and, accordingly, proposed that the subject be raised at the Organisation & Resources Liaison Board for further discussion.


Members also noted that no further information had been received by the Committee following the Gypsy and Traveller Consultation process.  Cllr Jose Green, as the Committee’s appointed representative on the Gypsy and Traveller Strategy Project Group, would be asked to provide the Committee with an update.


It was also noted that no further updates had been received by the Committee on the Housing PFI project.  The Senior Scrutiny Officer confirmed that he would contact the Cabinet Member responsible for Housing for an update accordingly.


Leisure Facility Review would be added to the Committee’s Forward Work Programme for consideration in November 2010.