Issue - meetings

Community Conversations

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 42)

42 Update on Community Conversations

To receive a report from the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for MCI, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts, Tourism and Health and Wellbeing presented the report which provided an update on the activity arising from the ongoing pilots of community conversations.


The Leader asked officers to comment on the work being undertaken by the Council to create stronger communities. The Director of Public Health and the Director of Business Transformation commented in detail about the Council’s commitment to empowering the people of Wiltshire to live full, healthy and enriched lives. The intention of the Community Conversations Programme is to recognise the inequalities effecting the residents of Wiltshire and provides a bold, holistic and innovative approach to understanding the experience of residents across the county. They gave examples of the development of new sustainable methods of support based in the communities of Bemerton Heath and Studley Green, which were also detailed in the report. The Leader reported that officers were being asked to work outside the norms of council work. The programme is in the process of expanding to five communities and expected to expand further in the future. It was noted that there were some issues about how the programmed is rolled out to small rural communities.


Cabinet members welcomed the update and recognised the incredible work being undertaken by the communities. They noted the challenges being faced by communities and the importance of the approached adopted.


Cllr Graham Wright, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, on behalf of Cllr Johnny Kidney, Chair of the Health Select Committee, reported that this item would be considered by the Select Committee at a future meeting. Cllr Wright welcomed the Programme and  felt that the title of the Programme could be changed to include the ‘engagement’ rather than ‘conversations’.


Cllr Gordon King, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, expressed his support for the programme approach and highlighted those communities that felt they didn’t always receive an equal share.


The Leader emphasised the need for an understanding of the broader context. He reminded Cabinet that the two areas identified in the report and initially through national Indices of Multiple Deprivation as the most deprived areas of Wiltshire resulted in community visits to hear directly from residents and other community representatives about the lived experience. The outcome of the initial meetings being the Community Conversations Programme.  Officers explained the importance of gaining an understanding of the initial two communities would help inform work with other communities in the future.   



To note the range of activity underway to support these communities and the ongoing opportunities for community activism and tailored support.


Reason for Decision:

To inform Cabinet of the ongoing activity in relation to community conversations.