67 Revised New Forest Mitigation Strategy to manage recreational pressures on the New Forest Protected Sites
Report of the
Corporate Director – Place.
Supporting documents:
Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning presented a report to confirm the revised strategic approach that Wiltshire Council will adopt in order to mitigate recreational impacts associated with new developments within the identified zones of influence on the New Forest protected sites.
Cllr Botterill explained that the revised approach had been developed alongside the draft Local plan and will support delivery of planned growth within the zones of influence. The allocations in the draft Local Plan and any windfall development coming forward for new residential and tourism development over the next plan period will need to adhere to the revised requirements in the new mitigation strategy, in respect of Suitable Alternative Greenspace / Green Infrastructure and a contribution to Strategic Access Management and Monitoring measures.
Cabinet noted that the implementation of the proposed revised strategic approach to mitigation will ensure a consistent strategic approach across the local authority areas that lie within the zone of influence and co-ordination with the other Local Planning Authorities on the New Forest Strategic Mitigation Project Steering Group. It will also ensure that in-combination effects of housing across the zone of influence can be suitably addressed and offset.
The Leader in supporting the comments made by Cllr Botterill reported that about 10% of the New Forest is in the Wiltshire boundary and that he is a Council representative on the New Forest National Park Authority, although this was not a declaration of interest for the purposes of this discussion and vote on the proposals.
In response to questions from Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and Cllr Brian Mathew, the Leader, Cllr Botterill and officers confirmed that the New Forest National Park Authority and the New Forest District Council had their own Local Plans which were acknowledged in the Wiltshire Council draft Local Plan, that the mitigation measures do not encourage additional development in the national park and include one-off charges.
Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee, reported that he had received a briefing on the revised Strategy on 30 April 2024. The briefing was an update on the current situation and how this strategy replaces an interim approach developed alongside the New Forest National Parks Authority and neighbouring planning authorities. Discussions were held on the area that this strategy covered, the size of the individual contributions proposed from new developments and how the strategy would be monitored. He endorsed the proposals and thanked officers for the briefing.
1. To approve the revised strategic approach to mitigating the visitor and recreational pressure on the New Forest protected sites arising as a result of development in Wiltshire.
2. To agree that in accordance with the requirements of the Habitats Regulations and case law the revised strategic approach applies to all qualifying development seeking outline, full, reserved matters and discharge of condition approval.
3. To agree the initial price for the SAMM will be £600 (plus legal and admin fees) per dwelling, subject ... view the full minutes text for item 67