Issue - meetings

Disposal Update

Meeting: 15/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 13.)

13. Disposal Update

To receive a report from the Chief Executive


Supporting documents:


That Cabinet,


a)    Note the year end position in respect of receipts for the financial year



b)    Approve the sale of the freehold interest of the five assets in Appendix 2 to generate capital receipts in support of the Council’s capital programme, if deemed in the best overall interest of the Council.


c)    Authorise the Director of Assets to dispose of the freehold interest in the assets, or in their absence the Deputy Chief Executive & Corporate Director of Resources.


Reason for Proposals 


To note the year end position in respect of capital receipts for the financial year 2023/24, and confirm the freehold interest in the 5 assets can be sold to generate capital receipts,after a review of the options to determine how the best overall interest of the Council can be achieved.