142 Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) Adoption
To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place.
Supporting documents:
That Cabinet approve and adopt the Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy.
Reason for Decision:
An up-to-date Wiltshire PPS is a tool to assist in the planning process, it informs decision making, policy development, the levering in of s106 developer contributions and is needed to underpin the Wiltshire Local Plan as an evidence base to conform with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet member for Public Health, Leisure, Libraries and Communities presented a report seeking approval to adopt the Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) renewal.
Cllr Blair-Pilling reported that the Strategy supplied up-to-date information to provide a robust, strategic evidence base in the Council’s negotiation, secure S106 developer contributions and influence a variety of local authority functions. The Strategy was conducted over a 14 month period in accordance with Sport England’s PPS Five Step Guidance covering the four main sports of football, cricket, rugby and hockey.
Cabinet noted that the PPS is not a financial package or commitment from the Council to deliver the action plan but sets out an approach to deliver within available resources. It is a tool to assist in the planning process, informs decision making and policy development, the levering in of S106 developer contributions and is needed to underpin the Wiltshire Local Plan as an evidence base to conform with the National Planning Policy Framework.
Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chairman of the Environment Select Committee reported that he and the Vice-Chairman of the Committee received a briefing on the proposals on 5 December 2024. Cllr Kunkler noted that it is a very comprehensive strategy. The Cabinet Member and officers explained the reasoning behind the strategy and the core principles which underpin it. They discussed how the success of the previous strategy could be measured and heard how the evidence used would be regularly updated. They questioned whether associated facilities such as changing rooms, toilets and lighting were covered and were reassured that they were. They were also interested in how less formal spaces would be identified and mapped. They welcomed the Strategy as it would help increase sports, physical activity and play opportunities in Wiltshire.
Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, welcomed the proposals and commented on the disparity between male and female sport, budgets to implement the Strategy. Cllr Blair-Pilling confirmed that the Strategy is not a financial package or a commitment to deliver the action plan, it details the current and future infrastructure required and an enabler for others to manage the funding of schemes and projects.
Cllr Budden welcome the proposals and thanked officers for their work on the Strategy. He commented on the necessary funding to deliver the Strategy and any funding shortfalls. Cllr Blair-Pilling explained that the Strategy is a statement of where we are with the current Playing Pitch infrastructure. The future plans were very dependant on S106 developer contributions and the enthusiasm of every school, club and individual. Officers confirmed that the Strategy was an enabling document and there were no funding predictions.
That Cabinet approve and adopt the Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy.
Reason for Decision:
An up-to-date Wiltshire PPS is a tool to assist in the planning process, it informs decision making, policy development, the levering in of s106 developer contributions and is needed to underpin the Wiltshire Local Plan as an evidence base to conform with the National Planning Policy Framework ... view the full minutes text for item 142