141 Recommissioning of Speech and Language Therapy Service
To receive a report
from the Chief Executive.
Supporting documents:
That Cabinet:
1. Agrees to commission Speech and Language Therapy services for schools and early years settings with a clear co-produced specification that meets the needs of families and children and education settings.
2. Agrees to increased investment in speech and language services from the SEND Transformation Programme budget, to provide a total of £2,280,000 over the lifetime of the contract period of two years, plus one.
3. Delegates authority to approve and award a new contract and future extensions and all associated documents to the Director of Commissioning and Director of Education and Skills in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion.
Reason for Decision:
The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to Cabinet on the status of the Council’s contracted Speech and Language Service which is delivered by an external service supplier and expires on 31 March 2025.
Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion presented a report seeking approval to commission Speech and Language Therapy services for schools and early years settings, via a procurement process.
Cabinet noted that the Service provides education settings with support in meeting the needs of children and young people with communication needs and works directly with children in school and early years settings to provide therapy. The current contract ended on 31 March 2025, and Wiltshire Council proposes to commission a service directly to support children and young people in education.
Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, welcomed the proposals and expressed support for the direction of travel. He asked about the level of oversight and clarity in delivering the current arrangements with the Independent Care Board (ICB) and procuring additional services with the Board. Cllr Davies reported that the Council is constantly ambitious for the early years setting and continue to make ongoing improvements. The Leader highlighted the pressures in commissioning and the many different processes followed by the members of the ICB including different commissioning cycles.
That Cabinet:
1. Agrees to commission Speech and Language Therapy services for schools and early years settings with a clear co-produced specification that meets the needs of families and children and education settings.
2. Agrees to increased investment in speech and language services from the SEND Transformation Programme budget, to provide a total of £2,280,000 over the lifetime of the contract period of two years, plus one.
3. Delegates authority to approve and award a new contract and future extensions and all associated documents to the Director of Commissioning and Director of Education and Skills in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion.
Reason for Decision:
The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to Cabinet on the status of the Council’s contracted Speech and Language Service which is delivered by an external service supplier and expires on 31 March 2025.
Following the end of the current service Wiltshire Council intend to commission a service separately from the BSW ICB to ensure a greater level of oversight and clarity in delivering a service that meets the needs of education settings, parents and children. However, the service specification will be designed to ensure full alignment with the health delivered speech and language service to provide a service that reduces duplication and allows for a holistic approach.
A recommissioned service following a procurement process and award of contract will be in place for 1 April 2025