Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 21/09/2011 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 63)

Chairman's announcements


The Chairman welcomed Mrs Barbara Hedley, Assistant Local Government Ombudsman and Mr Nick Breakwell, Strategic Operations Manager, Department for Children and Education.


The Chairman drew attention to the proposed senior management restructure and said that the proposal was to reduce the senior management team by the chief executive post and one corporate director post.  This would be considered by Cabinet on 6 October 2011.  Although the substantive proposal was not a matter for this committee, if the proposal was agreed, there could be some changes to the constitution which would need to be addressed by the Constitution Focus Group.


The Chairman and Monitoring Officer had met with the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council at the beginning of August 2011.  They had discussed the ongoing culture development work including the introduction of a behaviours framework, which underpins the values of the Organisation.  The Monitoring Officer will prepare a report on this which will be brought to the November meeting.