Issue - meetings

Wiltshire Council's Housing Board Annual Report

Meeting: 21/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Wiltshire Council's Housing Board Annual Report to Cabinet

To receive a report from the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:




That Cabinet note the annual report.


Reason for Decision:


Wiltshire Council Housing Board (WCHB) Terms of Reference require an Annual Report to be presented to WCHB AGM and Cabinet.


Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, Strategic Assets, and Asset Transfer, presented a report on the annual activities of the Wiltshire Council Housing Board and an overview of the activities and performance across the Housing Revenue Account service.


Cllr Alford reported on the impact of inflation on construction costs, the roles of the Housing Ombudsman and the social housing regulator key achievements over the past 12 months, community support, planned investment in homes and the positive impact of the Housing Board on the quality of service provision to residents and their families, creating additional opportunity for residents to engage with the service and shaped further engagement opportunities.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chairman of the Environment Select Committee, stated the Committee received regular updates from the Housing Board, most recently at its meeting on 14 January 2025, The Committee discussed energy performance certifications and EPC targets, the types of housing being acquired by the Housing Board and the challenges of using contractors to deliver some of the improvements in the housing stock. The Committee also considered the customer satisfaction survey and how action was being taken to improve that scoring, particularly around tenant complaints. The select committee will receive the next annual report in January 2026. Cllr Alford thanked Cllr Kunkler for his comments and for identifying the challenges with improvements to properties that are 60-070 years old. It was noted that some older stock required improvements, and funding to bring them up to the current standards.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group commented on the opportunities to expand and develop the housing stock across the county, the challenge to provide maintenance where damp and mould issues are present in the housing stock, and the Council’s ability to provide larger homes for families requiring 4-5 bedrooms. Cllr Alford along with officers explained that the current build programme incorporates all areas of the county and are managed by the Housing Revenue Account, stock condition surveys are undertaken and improvements to homes are made as appropriate, and it was noted that the availability or acquisition of larger homes is a challenge. Purchases of new properties is generally funded from the Capital Programme, general fund or Public Loans Board and needed to be managed within the constraints of the Business Plan, although the Council is significantly under borrowed at the current time.       




That Cabinet note the annual report.


Reason for Decision:


Wiltshire Council Housing Board (WCHB) Terms of Reference require an Annual Report to be presented to WCHB AGM and Cabinet.