36 Lime Down Solar Park
To receive a report
from the Corporate Director, Place.
Supporting documents:
That Wiltshire Council objects to the application on the following grounds.
The Leader reported his and other Cabinet member disappointment that following an invitation to attend this meeting to respond to comments and clarify elements of their scheme proposals, Island Green Power were not present. The Leader also explained the process being used to manage consideration of the scheme proposals so that all who wished to speak had that opportunity.
The Lime Down Solar Park report was introduced by the Director of Planning, Economy and regeneration. He explained that the Wiltshire Council is the Host Authority for this scheme, designated as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project, and one of the key statutory consultees. He noted that providing a detailed response to the scheme’s statutory consultation, the council has an opportunity to influence the scheme’s further development and refinement by the applicant.
The Director confirmed that the scheme is being promoted by Island Green Power, the applicant, under the requirements of the Planning Act to secure a Development Consent Order. The scheme is described as a new utility scale solar park and battery energy storage project proposed to be built on land in North Wiltshire. The project would comprise the installation of solar photovoltaic panels and an on-site battery energy storage facility, plus associated development to connect the project into the national grid at Melksham Substation, covering an area of about 2,834 hectares of land. Members noted that the statutory public consultation, launched by Island Green Power on 29 January runs until 19 March 2025, for public and key stakeholders to comment on the proposals and identify any areas of concern or opportunities for further improvement.
Cabinet noted that the issues relating to this project are complex and the impacts are broad-ranging and potentially significant, with some impacts being positive and others either neutral or adverse. The Director highlighted a number of concerns and reported that this is a matter for the Secretary of State, rather than Wiltshire Council, to weigh up the competing impacts to arrive at a decision. He suggested that the applicant undertakes a further supplementary public consultation to enable sufficient scrutiny of the cable connection route and its associated impacts.
The Cabinet and other members of the Council commented in detail on the scheme and highlighted a number of issues. In particular the following matters were considered: