Issue - meetings

Issues Updates

Meeting: 06/10/2011 - Westbury Area Board (Item 7)

Issues Updates

To receive updates on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meeting and received online.  To include;


·       Leigh Park Community Centre update from Cllr Russell Hawker


Sally Hendry updated the Board on a number of local issues that had been raised through the Area Board system www.wiltshire/


·       Speeding on the Mead, Meadow Lane and the Ham had been reported, metro counts would take place where possible.

·       Can no smoking signs to be erected in park play areas.

·       Issues over dog fouling and litter concerns over pathways.

·       White horse viewing gallery is in need of tidying up – this is being looked at and new fencing and a cut back of overgrown trees and shrubs would take place shortly.

·       Newtown road had become very overgrown and the Unimog had cut back the hedges and verges.


Councillor Russell Hawker gave a brief update on the Leigh Park Community Centre.  Instructions had been issued to Persimmon to start construction, he anticipated that it would take a 6 month period for them to get on site.  A Project Manager had been appointed.  He advised that a few minor issues needed to be sorted but that he expected work to be finished and the centre to be open by November 2012.