Issue - meetings

Community Area Grants

Meeting: 06/10/2011 - Westbury Area Board (Item 12)

12 Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme from;

·       Coulston Village Hall to replace old chairs

·       Reeves Orchard Community Project Bratton to purchase tools for  ongoing maintenance of the orchard

·       Bratton Recreation Ground Committee to upgrade kitchen facilities

·       Trowbridge Tigers FC to assist with the funding for a 5 a side football tournament.



Supporting documents:


Councillors considered four applications for funding from the Area Board Grants:


1.  Coulston Village Hall Management Committee application for £990 to part fund the purchase of new chairs.  


2.  Reeves Community Orchard application for £589 to purchase a chainsaw, strimmer and associated maintenance tools.


3. Bratton Recreation Ground Committee application for £2140 to part fund the installation of modern kitchen facilities.


4. Trowbridge Tigers Football Club application for £233 to part fund host a 5 a side football tournament in Westbury to raise the profile of lesbian/gay/bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.


Coulston Village Hall

Andrew Burley from the Coulston Village Hall Management Committee explained the need for more up-to-date, comfortable and lighter alternatives.  The Chairman agreed that was a need.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £990 to the Coulston Village Hall Management Committee.



The project to enhance the hall supports the development of a thriving leisure and cultural environment and vibrant community life as identified in the Westbury Area Community Plan.  It also demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’.


Reeves Community Orchard

Mike Pearce and Warren Harding explained that the grant if awarded would be used to buy equipment to help with the continual maintenance of the 76 year old orchard.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £589 to the Reeves Community Orchard.



The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’ and to the protection of the countryside and wildlife habitat as identified in the Westbury Community Area Plan.


Bratton Recreation Ground

Steve Lloyd and Mike Manson representing the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee explained that funding was needed to help with the upgrade of the kitchen facilities within the pavilion.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £2140 to Bratton Recreation Ground Committee.



The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’  and to the aims of the Westbury Community Area Plan concerning the development of a thriving leisure environment to create vibrant community life.


Trowbridge Tigers Football Club

Nick Pitcher from the football club explained to the Board about the Justin Fashanu Cup, a national football tournament aimed at building bridges between people of different sexualities by bringing together teams from across the UK and the role of the Trowbridge Tigers. The Fashanu Cup would be held at Leighton Recreation Centre with an evening reception being held in Warminster.  Funding had been requested from Trowbridge and Warminster Area Boards, as well as Westbury.  Trowbridge had refused, Warminster approved.



Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £233 to Trowbridge Tigers Football Club.



The project demonstrates links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’ and to the Resilient Communities Partnership strategic aims of tackling inequalities to create stronger and more inclusive communities.