Issue - meetings

S/2010/1046 - Evias Cottage, Teffont Evias, Salisbury

Meeting: 07/10/2010 - Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 104)

104 S/2010/1046 - Evias Cottage, Teffont Evias, Salisbury

Supporting documents:


With the Chairman’s agreement this application was considered together with the associated application for building consent referred to at minute number 10d below.


Public participation:


Councillor Tony Deane, in his capacity as a member of the public, spoke in support of the application.

Mrs Sophie Durlacher spoke in support of the application

Mr Alan Moon spoke in support of the application

Mr Richard Longfox, Chair of Teffont Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application


The Planning Officer introduced the report, which recommended refusal, and drew members attention to the late list.


A debate ensued during which concerns that the application was in a Conservation Area and Special Restraint Area were raised.




That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


The application dwelling forms the corner part of a group of grade II listed cottages at a prominent highway junction within the village of Teffont Evias. The village is within a Conservation Area and is one of only six settlements within the former Salisbury District which have been designated as a Special Restraint Area for their outstanding and unspoilt nature. The proposal to insert an outbuilding into the south-eastern side of the site, attached via a link at the corner of the cottages, would dramatically change the setting of the listed buildings and their visual and physical links with the streetscene. The principal (southern) elevation of Evias Cottage would be substantially affected and removed from public view, and the openness of the (eastern) frontage of the cottage group would be harmfully eroded, replaced by a much harder and higher degree of enclosure formed to the street. The proposal would therefore fail to respect the character and setting of the listed cottages, and would not preserve the character of the Conservation Area or Special Restraint Area, contrary to saved polices G1, G2, H21, CN3, CN5, CN8, CN11 of the adopted Salisbury District Local Plan and the aims and objectives of PPS5 and the Salisbury Design Guide: Creating Places.