26 Draft Annual Report of the Standards Committee 2009/10
The Committee’s views are sought on the attached draft Annual Report of the Committee which covers the period 2009/10. The report will be updated to reflect the outcomes of this meeting and the Committee is asked to authorise the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Chairman to finalise the report on its behalf.
Supporting documents:
The Chairman explained that this report was for the public and it would therefore be published on the Council website.
This was a draft report and it was agreed that it needed to be more user-friendly with the removal of any overly legal terminology and more use made of bullets.
A request was made for the number of complaints received to be incorporated into the report and that an executive summary be added to the front.
On the subject of costs being included it was agreed that this was not possible on this occasion but it could be looked at in future annual reports.
To note the report and request that the above amendments be incorporated.