Issue - meetings

MBT Plant

Meeting: 15/02/2011 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Municipal Waste Disposal (Landfill Diversion Contract) - Part I

*Report by the Corporate Director, Department for Neighbourhood and Planning is circulated

Supporting documents:


Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cabinet member for Waste, Property and Environment presented a report which sought to update Cabinet on progress with negotiations with the preferred tenderer. The report also sought confirmation of Cabinet’s previous decision dated 23 March 2010 in light of possible changes in waste management policy and legislation. A revised business case was presented which addressed these potential changes.


Cllr David Jenkins sought an assurance that a Household Recycling Centre would be provided at the same time as the Mechanical Biological Treatment Plant (MBT). Cllr Jeff Osborn also sought a categorical response on this. Cabinet noted that although this was subject to future budget approval, it was the intention that the HRC would be provided at the same time as the MBT. The Leader assured Councillors that she would following consultation with the Service Director for Waste Management, provide information to Westbury Town Council on the scheduling of the HRC.




That the Cabinet confirms its decision made at the meeting held on 23 March 2010 to:


(a)        authorise the Service Director Waste Management to conclude negotiation of the proposed contract with Hills Waste Solutions Limited on terms to be approved by the Leader of the Cabinet in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste, Property and Environment and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk after receiving advice from the Solicitor to the Council, the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Neighbourhood and Planning; and


 (b)      authorise the Chief Executive to complete the certification requirements of the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997 in respect of the proposed contract (including the direct agreement with the funders) subject to its award in accordance with its proposal set out in paragraph (a) above.


Reason for Decision


The Council could incur substantial additional costs if the targets for diversion of waste from landfill are not achieved.  Proposing the signing of the contract with Hills for the delivery of 60,000 tonnes each year of MSW to the proposed MBT plant at Westbury and the subsequent delivery of at least 20,000 tonnes each year of SRF to an energy recovery plant reduces this risk.