Issue - meetings

Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations DPD - Proposals for Draft DPD

Meeting: 13/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 168)

168 Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations DPD - Proposals for Draft DPD

*           Report by the Service Director - Economy and Enterprise is attached.


Supporting documents:


Cllr de Rhe Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning presented the proposed Pre-submission Wiltshire and Swindon Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) for approval for publication and consultation. The report also sought endorsement of the document for onward recommendation to Council in May 2012 (subject to there being no substantive changes required as a result of the consultation) for the purpose of submission to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination.


The draft DPD together with supporting documents would be published for consultation from for a period of six weeks in accordance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement and statutory requirements. Details of the consultation arrangements were outlined in the report presented. It was noted that the proposed strategy now involved 8 sites which were relatively accepted.


During consideration, a number of points were raised which included seeking support of a weight limit for Latton, impact on habitation and the reuse of sites for landfill. Councillors were advised to raise any issues during consultation. Cabinet was reassured that the aim would be to restore sites rather than reuse them for landfill.




That Cabinet:


a)            Approves the Pre-submission draft Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations DPD for publication for a six week formal consultation to commence as soon as is reasonably practicable.


b)           Endorses the Pre-submission draft Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations DPD and recommends that following the consultation Full Council approves the document for the purpose of Submission to the Secretary of State, subject to there being no representations which, in the opinion of the Director for Economy and Enterprise in consultation with the Cabinet Member, raise fundamental issues on the soundness of the Strategy.


c)            Authorises the Director for Economy and Enterprise, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to make any necessary amendments to the document in the interests of clarity and accuracy before it is published, and to make the arrangements for consultation.


Reason for decisions


To ensure that progress continues to be made on preparing an up-to-date minerals policy framework for Wiltshire (and Swindon) in line with the timetable set out in the Council’s revised Local Development Scheme and statutory requirements. Once adopted, the Aggregate Minerals Sites Allocations DPD will form part of the Council’s policy framework.