Issue - meetings

S/2011/0329 - Landford Manor Stock Lane Landford Salisbury SP5 2EW

Meeting: 05/05/2011 - Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 60)

60 S/2011/0329 - Landford Manor, Stock Lane, Landford, Salisbury SP5 2EW

Supporting documents:


Public Participation:


Mrs Carol Hewson spoke in objection to the application


Mr Richard Hewson spoke in support of the application

Mr Ray Avery spoke in support of the application


Cllr John Martin, Landford Parish Council, spoke in objection to the proposal.


The Chairman informed the committee that a number of letters had been received as submissions for inclusion under the late list, however the content of these was contested and offered no new and relevant information in planning terms.


The planning officer introduced the retrospective application and answered technical questions on the case officer’s report.


A motion for permission was proposed and seconded and then debated. Contributions focused on the following factors:


·         The intent behind the original permission for the renovation of Landford Manor

·         The sustainability of the business as operated out of these premises

·         The need to encourage the development of the rural economy

·         Fire safety and fire mitigation measures

·         The amenity of the other occupants of Landford Manor

·         Traffic levels in the proximity of the Manor and the levels of parking available on the site


On being put to the vote the motion for approval was lost.


A new motion for refusal was proposed and seconded on the grounds that the application was an inappropriate change of use of part of a listed building in a conservation area, was contrary to the rules governing development within listed buildings and objecting in principle to the assertion that the unit was suitable for use as offices, noting further that such use would be detrimental to the amenity of local residents.


Following discussion it was




To REFUSE planning permission for the proposed continued use of the upper floor of Unit 1 of Landford Manor by Innovative Consultancy UK Ltd, for the following reasons:


1)    the scale of the use having resulted in a significantly large number of cars being parked in front of the Manor, which is considered to be visually detrimental to the setting of the listed building;


2)    the changes that would be required in order to facilitate the provision of adequate fire precautions for such a large office employing up to 12 persons; are likely to be unsympathetic to the historic interest of the building,


3)    the changes would have unacceptable long term implications for the historical integrity of the building being incompatible in terms of its scale and impact upon the listed grade II* Landford Manor, and would adversely affect the amenities of neighbours. As such the proposal is considered to be contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan, and in particular Policies G1 and G2 (General Criteria for Development), CN4 and CN5 (Listed buildings) and E17 (Employment) of the saved policies of the adopted local plan, and PPS4.




Cllr Mike Hewitt requested his vote against the refusal of planning permission be recorded.