Issue - meetings

Capital approvals required following cabinet capital assets committee

Meeting: 18/10/2011 - Cabinet (Item 144)

144 Recommendations on the Capital Programme

Report of the Director of Finance is circulated

Supporting documents:


Cllr John Brady, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk presented a report which sought Cabinet’s agreement of changes to the capital programme as recommended by the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee for onward recommendation to Council as changes to the previously agreed programme.


For completeness, the report also referred to Cabinet’s decision dated 13 September 2011 to recommend to Council the provision of up to £0.375 million of capital funding for the Wiltshire Incubation Environment Network.


A summary of each of the capital projects was presented.


Recommended to Council:


That the following changes to the capital programme be recommended to Council:


(a)          approval of an additional £8.295m to the Transformation Programme;


(b)          Cabinet Capital Assets Committee’s decision to redevelop Middlefields/Hungerdown lane site for a new care home and extra care housing:  The capital receipt that was factored into the capital programme be recouped from the sale of a section of the Middlefields/Hungerdown site, Seymour House, Chippenham and the sale of the Paddocks, Trowbridge and Coombe End Court, Marlborough sites as agreed by CCAC at its meeting on 14 September 2011 and


(c)          approve the provision of up to £0.375 million of capital funding in respect of the Wiltshire Incubation Environment Network (as previously agreed by Cabinet).


Reason for Decision:


To seek Council approval for changes to the capital programme in accordance with the Constitution.