17 Pay Policy Statement and Publication of Senior Staff Pay
Report by the Service Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development. The recommendations of the Staffing Policy Committee on the Statement from its meeting held on 22 February 2012 will follow.
Supporting documents:
Cllr John Noeken, Cabinet member for Resources, presented a report regarding the Pay Policy Statement and publication of senior staff pay.
In order to comply with the Council’s responsibility, to approve:
(1) The pay policy statement, as set out in appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following amendments:-
(a) To include an explanation of Soulbury staff (as referred to in para 4) in the Definitions section towards the end of the draft Pay Policy Statement.
(b) Para 33 to read as follows:-
It is the Council’s policy that Hay graded employees are subject to a performance appraisal each year. If the performance is measured as satisfactory, an increment may be awarded (subject to point 30. above). If the performance does not meet the required standard an increment may be withheld.
(c) Para 34 to read as follows:-
For GLPC graded employees, increments are awarded automatically to the maximum of the grade (subject to point 31. above) unless formal proceedings are taking place under the Improving Work Performance Policy.
(d) Para 35 to read as follows:-
The Council does not offer a bonus or honorarium scheme to any employee.
(e) Para 45 to read as follows:-
All employees with a contract of employment of 3 months or more are entitled to join the Local Government Pension Scheme.
(2) Publication of senior staff salaries with a threshold of £58,200, along with job descriptions, budget responsibilities and numbers of staff, it being noted that individual members of staff would be asked to consent for their names to be included.