Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 22/09/2010 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 68)

Chairman's announcements


Review of the Constitution

The Chairman said that the review of the constitution was progressing well and that a further meeting of the Focus Group would be held on 8 October, following which a report would be prepared for consideration by Cabinet at its meeting on 19 October.


It had been planned to hold a meeting of the Standards Committee on 13 October to consider the Focus Group’s recommendations however due to the tight timescales involved it was suggested that the committee meet instead on 25 or 26 October to discuss the report and any recommendations from Cabinet prior to consideration by Full Council at its meeting on 9 November.


The Chairman asked Democratic Services to contact committee members to establish their availability and arrange a meeting on one of the suggested dates.


Press release on future of the Standards Board regime

The Chairman drew member’s attention to the recent press release from the Department of Communities and Local Government on the future of the Standards Board regime.  She emphasised that the committee would carry on as usual until these proposed changes were enacted.