Issue - meetings

Salisbury and the Maltings Car Park

Meeting: 15/02/2012 - Cabinet (Item 40)

Salisbury and the Maltings Car Park

Confidential report of the Service Director – Economy and Enterprise is to follow


Mark Hunnybun, Strategic Projects and Development Manager, presented the Part II report which had been tabled for Councillors, following which there were a number of questions and comments on the process and the detail of the bids.




(i)        To award ‘Preferred Bidder’ status to Stanhope PLC, the shortlisted bidder with the highest score against the evaluation criteria.

(ii)       That Stanhope PLC embarks on an agreed public consultation programme at the earliest opportunity.

(iii)      To delegate authority to the Director, Economy and Enterprise, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning to develop the scheme with the preferred bidder including finalising terms of the development agreement and bring it back to Cabinet for final approval in due course.


Reason for Decision


The award of ‘Preferred Bidder’ status to Stanhope PLC will enable a scheme to be worked up in detail, in full consultation with the public and stakeholders, which will meet the objectives of the Council’s Core Strategy and those of the Salisbury Vision.



Admission of Press and Public


At this point the meeting reverted to open session and re-admitted the press and public to the meeting.


Councillor de Rhé-Philipe announced the decision for the benefit of the press and public.


The Leader offered thanks to those involved in the process so far, particularly to Richard Walters, Salisbury Vision Director and Sir Christopher Benson, Chairman of Salisbury Vision Board, commenting that this was a huge step forward in achieving the investment which Salisbury deserved.