52 Submission of Wiltshire Core Strategy and Review of Local Development Scheme
Report by the Service Director for Economy and Regeneration.
The Draft Wiltshire Core Strategy has been made available to all Councillors and available on the Council’s website.
Supporting documents:
Declarations of interest
Cllr Judy Rooke declared a prejudicial interest in this item as her property was close to the proposed country park and potential housing development at Rowden Park, Chippenham.
Cllr Jon Hubbard declared a personal interest in this item in so far as housing was concerned as a Director of Selwood Housing Association.
Public Participation
L M Durant from DPDS Consulting Group
David Scane from Curtin & Co on behalf of Bloor Homes
Persimmon Homes (South Coast) Ltd
Written responses from Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning were circulated.
Cllr Ron Champion, Chairman - Laverstock and Ford Parish Council
Mrs Hawkins – Friends of Birdsmarsh
Steve Perry, Chippenham Community Voice
Neil Bromwich, Osborne Clark (Written statement)
John Gateley, Savills (Written statement)
Dr Gary Mantle, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Questions from Councillors
Two questions from Cllr Judy Rooke
Four questions from Cllr Ian McLennan
Written responses from Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe were circulated.
Cllr Rooke queried the accuracy of the map for the South West Chippenham Strategic Site as provided in the response to one of her questions (map on Page 163, Agenda Supplement 1). Cllr de Rhé-Philipe agreed to revisit the map to ensure it reflected the change proposed by Natural England.
At the Chairman’s invitation, Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning presented a report on the Wiltshire Core Strategy Pre-Submission Document (the Strategy). The report explained the outcome of the recent consultation and sought approval for the submission of the Strategy together with proposed changes to the Secretary of State for Examination. Details of further proposed changes were set out in the addendum to Appendix 1 tabled at the meeting.
The report also sought approval for a revision to the Local Development Scheme.
A report on the Strategy had been considered by the Environment Select Committee at its meeting on 11 June 2012. The relevant minute extract was presented from which it was noted that the Committee had offered general endorsement of the Strategy. It did, however, make a number of reservations and suggestions which it requested Cabinet to take into account when considering the Strategy.
Cabinet considered the Strategy along with the comments of the Environment Select Committee at its meeting on 19 June 2012 for onward recommendation to this Council meeting. The relevant minute extract was presented along with the further information that Cabinet and Environment Select Committee had requested be made available to Councillors prior to this meeting.
Cllr de Rhé-Philipe explained the background and history on how the Strategy had evolved from its early development since 2009 progressing the work started by the former district councils. She added that the Strategy, when adopted, would provide up-to-date strategic planning policy for Wiltshire and ensure that Wiltshire developed in the most sustainable way. It was noted that the document had been developed by the Council with significant community engagement.
The Council had now completed the final statutory consultation period for ... view the full minutes text for item 52