Issue - meetings

Area board Led Grant for £3,000 for 1 May Jubilee/Royal Visit Event in Salisbury

Meeting: 19/04/2012 - Westbury Area Board (Item 17)

17 Area board Led Grant for £3,000 for 1 May Jubilee/Royal Visit Event in Salisbury

Supporting documents:


The Chairman explained that this project gives an opportunity to showcase various aspects of Westbury community life. It will raise the profile of the community and what it has to offer to a much wider audience. It involved a variety of local groups and individuals including schools and the youth centre. We plan to follow the one day Salisbury event with a mini exhibition in Westbury so people who had been unable to attend will also be able to see the exhibits.


The projects links in with:

Building Resilient Communities




To approve the grant of £3,000.