Issue - meetings

Standards Committee Annual report

Meeting: 15/05/2012 - Council (Item 41)

41 Annual Report of the Standards Committee

To receive and note the Annual Report of the Standards Committee for the period 2011/12.


The Standard Committee considered the draft report at its meeting on 02 May.  The final report will be circulated in due course.


Supporting documents:


Mrs Isabel McCord, Chairman of the current Standards Committee presented the Annual Report of the Committee for the period 2011/12.


Mrs McCord guided Councillors through the report highlighting salient points. She thanked members of the Committee, the Monitoring Officer and his staff for their help and support. She commented that it had been a privilege to work with all those connected with the Standards Committee.




That the Annual Report of the Standards Committee for the period 2011/12 be received and noted.

Meeting: 02/05/2012 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 39)

39 Standards Committee Annual report

To consider the final version of the Annual report

Supporting documents:


The Standards Committee Annual Report was circulated for information prior to it being presented to the Council meeting on 15 May.




To note the report