112 School Funding Reform: Arrangements for 2013-14
Report by the Service Director, Finance.
Supporting documents:
Public Participation
Mrs Carol Grant, Headteacher of Pewsey Vale School addressed Cabinet on this item expressing concern at the huge implications the proposals would have on schools and on what would happen at the end of the 2 year minimum funding guarantee protection.
Councillor Lionel Grundy, Cabinet member for Children’s Services presented a report which outlined the main elements of the Department for Education (DfE) proposals in respect of a new school funding formula. The report explained how they would impact on Wiltshire schools and focussed more specifically on the requirement to simplify local funding arrangements for schools. Cabinet’s approval was therefore sought on a new funding formula for Wiltshire schools.
The stated aims of the DfE proposals were to:
The DfE proposals also required a review of the Early Years Single Funding Formula and of the Schools Forum membership and constitution. It was noted in particular that Wiltshire’s current formula factor which allocates additional funding to schools with high proportions of pupils from service families would not be allowed under the new funding arrangements. In response to a question on this, Cllr Grundy explained that the Leader of the Council had made strong written representations to the Secretary of State for Education against this particular aspect of the funding proposals. The letter explained the detrimental impact this would have on rural communities and areas with a high ratio of service personnel. At the Leader’s invitation, Cllr Jon Hubbard as Leader of the Opposition had co-signed the letter. A number of other authorities had also made similar representation and it was hoped this would be given some reconsideration.
To mitigate the immediate impact on schools, the Minimum Funding Guarantee would be set at -1.5% per pupil in 2013/14 and 2014/15. This would be funded by the capping of gains to schools who would otherwise receive increases in funding through the new formula.
The Head of Finance explained that simplifying the formula would result in a reduced ability to reflect particular circumstances of different types of schools. The formula being proposed to Cabinet as recommended by the Schools Forum would provide the best fit.
Cabinet received revised details of the recommended formula factors for 2013/14 and the recommended approach to delegation or de-delegation of central budgets.
In terms of options considered, the proposed formula was the result of considerable work with schools in Wiltshire. Throughout that process different options in relation to the formula had been considered and the final proposed formula takes in to account that work and the outcomes of consultation with schools.
That Cabinet approve:
(a) The new funding formula for Wiltshire schools, as recommended by Schools Forum, in order to comply with the government’s school funding reform requirements. This will reflect the new requirements and the outcome ... view the full minutes text for item 112