Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 18/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 145)

145 Revenue Budget Monitoring

Report of the Service Director Finance


Supporting documents:


Councillor John Brady, Cabinet member for Finance, Performance and Risk, introduced the report which advised Cabinet of the revenue budget monitoring position as at the end of Period 7 (end of October 2012) for the financial year 2012/2013 and highlighted new cost pressures or changes since the previous budget monitoring report on 23 October 2012.


Councillor Brady referred to the additional £1.7 million which was required from reserves to support the pressure on Safeguarding Children.  The Leader added that this was due to the increasing number of children who had been taken into care and was in line with the national trend.  In response to a question as to the cause for this increase, it was noted that the key causes were domestic abuse and substance abuse, and that the economic situation may be a contributing factor to these issues.


It was also noted that the Christmas period often generated additional work for the Safeguarding Children team, as domestic and substance abuse were usually higher at this time. The Leader noted the Cabinet’s appreciation for the hard work and dedication of officers in the Safeguarding Children team, for whom this would not be a period of holiday.




That the outcome of the Period 7 (October) budget monitoring be noted.


Reason for decision


To inform effective decision making and ensure a sound financial control environment.