Issue - meetings

Discretionary Community Fund

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 New Local Welfare Provision

*           Report of the Service Director - Finance


Supporting documents:


Councillor John Thomson, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Communities and Housing, presented a report which outlined a proposal for the Cabinet to ratify the proposed criteria and delivery model for a new local welfare provision, and to delegate responsibility to officers to make minor amendments to the application of the scheme in light of any review and ongoing consultation.


A correction was highlighted on paragraph 7.5 on Page 27 of the Agenda papers, stating it should refer to Appendix D rather than Appendix E. Details were then provided on the accessibility of and eligibility for the scheme, as detailed in the report. It was noted that no cash awards would be made under the proposed scheme, with provision being provided by means of a purchase order for an item/service, or a referral to a third party to purchase agreed items or goods.


It was stated that owing to the urgent nature of any applications for the provision, efforts would be made to ensure appeal against refusal would be processed on the same day as that of the appeal, or by 1pm the following day if an appeal was made after 1pm.


The Cabinet welcomed a proposal to amend the scheme to allow people to appeal against refusal by 1pm the day after refusal of provision rather than at the time of refusal, and noted it was proposed officers would be granted delegated responsibility to make other minor amendments to the application of the scheme should other matters, such as signposting applicants to appropriate local services, require further drafting consideration.


The Cabinet Member also gave an assurance he would be asking officers to review the decision not to issue emergency cash loans during its first six months of operation, by which time more detail regarding demand and need would have been established.


It was,




1)    That the cabinet ratify the proposed criteria and delivery model for a new local welfare provision.


2)    That the cabinet provide officers with delegated responsibility to make minor amendments to the application of the scheme in light of review and ongoing consultation.


Reason for Proposal


As part of the Welfare Reform Act (2012), the Government is abolishing the current system of Social Fund discretionary payments.  From April 2013, the support provided to households through the Social fund by means of Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans for Living Expenses will cease and Local Authorities will receive financial support to enable them to develop and implement their own ‘successor models’