Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Wiltshire Community Infrastructure Levy - Update

Report of the Service Director - Economy and Regeneration


Supporting documents:


Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Strategic Planning, presented a report which updated the Cabinet on the preparation of the Wiltshire Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule and to ensure timely progress is made on preparing a CIL Charging Schedule that will enable the Council to charge CIL on new development to help pay for infrastructure within the county.


It was explained that new government guidance had been issued in December 2012, which required an adjustment of the previously agreed timetable.


It was,




That Cabinet:


(i)            Notes the new statutory Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance and implications in terms of the extra evidence and policy requirements, which must be completed before the Council can progress to the next stage of the process - consultation on a Draft Charging Schedule.


(ii)          Notes the response to the consultation on the Preliminary Draft CIL Charging Schedule consultation.


(iii)         Approves the revised timetable for the preparation of the CIL Charging Schedule.


Reason for Proposals


To update Cabinet on progress in preparing Wiltshire’s CIL and the implications of new statutory Government guidance on the process and timescale for its preparation; and ensure timely progress is made on preparing a CIL Charging Schedule that will enable the Council to charge CIL on new development to help pay for infrastructure within the county.