Issue - meetings

Award of Framework Contracts for Property-related Professional Services

Meeting: 23/07/2013 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 85)

85 Award of Framework Contracts for Property-related Professional Services

Report by Service Director, Transformation

Supporting documents:


Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cabinet member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste introduced the report which described the procurement process followed to establish a framework of providers for the delivery of capital building projects. The framework ensured delivery of an ambitious building programme which was high quality, value for money and procedurally robust.




That the Committee authorises the execution of both the framework contract with those companies and organisations who, following the OJEU competition, are selected for appointment to it, and contracts for professional services following mini competitions to be called off by officers in the Transformation team in the manner described in the covering report.


Reason for decision


To ensure that technical capacity and capability is available to the authority to enable the delivery of the Council’s ambitious Building Programme, including but not limited to the Campus Delivery Programme and requirements for additional new school places to meet demand.


To ensure a robust and rigorous approach to procuring and managing the services of key technical disciplines in the property sector, that is fully compliant with Council procurement regulations and EU procurement law.


To ensure that delivery mechanisms for Building Projects, enable full alignment with other public sector organisations in Wiltshire, to maximise the opportunity for joint delivery of corporate aims over time in line with the emerging 10 year public sector asset strategy.