Issue - meetings

Business Improvement Districts

Meeting: 22/10/2013 - Cabinet (Item 96)

96 Business Improvement Districts

Report by Alistair Cunningham, Service Director - Economy and Regeneration

Supporting documents:


Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe presented a report which invited Cabinet to consider the development of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in Wiltshire.


The report also informed Cabinet on the development of BIDs in Wiltshire, and updated Cabinet on the development of the Salisbury BID as the postal ballot was now in progress and the ballot count due to be held on 13 November 2013. The Salisbury BID Business Plan was presented for Cabinet’s information.


A BID was a clearly defined commercial area within which extra improvement and management is funded by contributions made by the businesses and public bodies operating within it.


A BID is proposed in consultation with stakeholders within the district, and ultimately voted for by businesses within the defined area for a specific term, which was usually five years.  At the end of the term, the BID may either disband, or propose a ballot for a new, subsequent BID.  Nationally, the majority of BIDs that have reached re-ballot have continued to a further term.


The BID mechanism provided a way for both public bodies and the business community to invest together in their town centres following an agreed business plan.  BIDs can deliver a better environment for Wiltshire’s town centres and can boost their economies by supporting and providing additional services to their business communities.





That Cabinet:


a)            notes and approves Wiltshire Council’s participation in the establishment of BIDs in Wiltshire;


b)           delegates authority to the Service Director for Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Transport, to cast any votes to which Wiltshire Council is entitled in the event of a BID ballot and


c)            that the cost to the Council be capped at £80,000 per annum as gap funding.


Reason for decisions


BIDs provide a recognised mechanism via which both public sector bodies and the business community can invest in their town centres following agreement of a business plan which must be approved by postal ballot of all eligible businesses and public sector bodies operating within the proposed district boundary.  If the ballot results in a ‘yes’ vote then these organisations must pay a small additional levy on their business rates.  The funding that is raised is then ring fenced and used to deliver additional projects and services to those currently provided by Wiltshire Council and other public bodies, directly benefiting the business community within the BID area and boosting the economy of the town centre.


It is now timely to inform Cabinet about BIDs in view of the development and forthcoming ballot of a BID in Salisbury.  The Salisbury BID has been in development and its postal ballot commenced on 13 October and the count is scheduled to take place on 13 November 2013.