Issue - meetings

Local Sustainable Transport Fund - Trans Wilts Rail Service

Meeting: 22/10/2013 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 Local Sustainable Transport Fund - Trans Wilts Rail Service

Report by ParvisKhansari, Service Director, Highways and Transport


Supporting documents:


Cllr John Thomson reminded Cabinet  that the Council had submitted a bid to the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) in February 2012. The bid project had three main elements:


·         Support for improved rail services on the Westbury to Swindon line (the Trans Wilts service)

·         Interchange improvements at Wiltshire’s railway stations

·         Supporting smarter choices measures.


The Council was awarded a £4.25 million grant by the DfT on 27June 2012. At its meeting on 10 September 2012, Cabinet approved the commencement and delivery of the package of complementary sustainable transport measures but given the uncertainties and risks associated with the implementation of the train service at the time, requested that officers liaise with the DfT, the Great Western franchise bidders and other relevant parties regarding the improved Westbury to Swindon train service, and submit a further report to a future Cabinet meeting.


Accordingly, Cllr Thomson presented a report which updated Cabinet on the latest developments and included proposals to approve the procurement of the improved Trans Wilts rail service from First Great Western Limited. The various options open to the Council and the risks involved were detailed in the report. Cllr Thomson read out a statement in support of the proposals from Mrs Jenny Ragget, Director of Travelwatch, South West. She congratulated the Council on its efforts to achieve a vastly improved Trans Wilts rail service.


Cabinet noted that procurement of an improved Trans Wilts rail service would provide local areas with a number of economic, community and environmental benefits. It would also offer the opportunity of the service being considered by the DfT for full inclusion in the franchise after three years of successful operation. The Leader and Cllr Thomson added that the future viability of the service would be largely dependent on how well it was used and should therefore be encouraged by local members.


In the debate which ensued, a number of members welcomed the proposals. Some members hoped that the Council would be able in due course to look to support services and the reopening of stations in their divisional areas. Cllr Jon Hubbard highlighted that the service would open up  Melksham railway station to other rail networks and as such, he hoped that a ticket machine in particular would be provided to enable the purchase of tickets in advance. He also requested that officers explore opportunities for funding capacity improvements to the Melksham single track line through the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan.




That Cabinet:


a)            approves the procurement of the improved Trans Wilts rail service from First Great Western Limited and delegates the finalisation and signing of the contract agreement to the Service Director for Highways and Transport in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene and Broadband and


b)           delegates detailed operational matters relating to the improved Trans Wilts rail service to the Associate Director for Highways and Transport in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Highways  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93