Issue - meetings

University Technical College - Salisbury

Meeting: 22/10/2013 - Cabinet (Item 97)

97 Enabling the South Wiltshire University Technical College

Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director.

Supporting documents:


 Cllr Toby Sturgis presented a report which sought Cabinet’s commitment to enabling the delivery of a University Technical College (UTC) based within Salisbury.


Cabinet was therefore asked to specifically consider the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between this Council, Wiltshire Police, the Wiltshire and Swindon Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the UTC, details of which were presented. This outlined the framework that the aforementioned parties would work within to enable the UTC to be developed on part of the existing Wilton Road Police Station site.


Cabinet was asked to confirm that, in order to enable the delivery of the UTC on this site (and thus drawing down a £7.5million investment by the Education Funding Agency), it wishes officers of Wiltshire Council to undertake all required work to develop the most cost effective financial package to enable the purchase of the required element of the Wilton Road Police Station site by Wiltshire Council.  An independent valuation of this element of the site, jointly commissioned by Wiltshire Council and the PCC, confirmed a suitable purchase price would be in the region of £2 million.


Cabinet was also asked to note that Wiltshire Council officers were working with officers of both the PCC and Wiltshire Police to identify, secure and provide a modern and sustainable Custody Suite to serve Salisbury and the south of the County.  Officers would also support Wiltshire Police in the development and delivery of a long term estate plan for the County.


Members were very positive about proposals to provide such a facility in the County.

Cllr John Walsh, local member expressed his delight at the project although did have some concerns on which he needed clarification. The Leader undertook to request the PCC to consider and reflect the views of local members and provide opportunities for local involvement throughout the project to allay any concerns.




That Cabinet:


a)    approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the South Wiltshire University Technical College Limited;


b)   request officers to develop the most cost effective funding package to enable the delivery of the University Technical College on the Wilton Road Police Station site, delegating this to Corporate Dr Carlton Brand, in consultation with the Solicitor to the Council, the Section 151 Officer and the Cabinet member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property, Waste and the Cabinet member for Finance, Performance, Risk, Procurement and Welfare Reform and


c)    note and support the work being undertaken by officers to support the development and delivery of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s  and Wiltshire Police’s long term estates strategy.


Reason for decisions


To approve the proposed MoU, confirm the council’s position in relation to the proposed purchase of an element of the Wilton Road Police Station site and note the work regarding the police estate that is being undertaken by Wiltshire Council officers.  This work and proposal will enable the delivery of the UTC in Salisbury with new educational places for 600 young  ...  view the full minutes text for item 97