Issue - meetings

Future Service Specification & Tender Evaluation Model for Waste Management Services

Meeting: 21/11/2013 - Cabinet (Item 110)

110 High Level Specification and Tender Evaluation criteria for Future Waste Management and Collection Services

 Report by Tracy Carter, Associate Director, Environment and Leisure


Supporting documents:


Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cabinet member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste presented a report which sought Cabinet approval to develop service specifications based on key principles outlined in the report; to use the criteria contained within the report to develop the quality element of tender evaluation models and to use the proposed price/quality ratios to develop the tender evaluation models.


Work was in progress to move forward to tender documentation, and Cabinet’s attention was drawn to the price/quality ratio proposed, which differed from the Waste Task Group proposal. It was explained that if the specifications were tightly written the quality weighting could be lowered.


Attention was drawn to the potential use of the My Wiltshire app for residents to report issues such as missed bins using their smart phones.


The need to retain long term flexibility balanced with minimising cost was highlighted, and this would be taken on board within the tender specifications.




That Cabinet agrees to:


1.            Develop service specifications based upon the key principles set out in the report presented.


2.            Develop tender evaluation models based upon the price/quality ratios set out in paragraph 13 of the report presented.


3.            Use the criteria contained in the report presented to develop the quality element of the tender evaluation models.

Reason for decision


The decisions taken in respect of these proposals are key to informing the detailed development of tender documentation and tender evaluation models prior to issuing invitations to tender.