Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
The Chairman asked if there were any declarations of interest to be made, drawing the meeting’s attention to the previously circulated advice of the Monitoring Officer in relation to consideration of item 13 - Adoption Chippenham Site Allocations Plan.
Councillor Johnny Kidney stated that as he had a pecuniary interest in it, he would leave the chamber for the consideration of item 13 – Adoption Chippenham Site Allocations Plan
Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
The Chairman asked if there were any declarations of interest to be made, drawing the meeting’s attention to the previously circulated advice of the Monitoring Officer in relation to consideration of the Draft Chippenham Site Allocations Plan.
The following members declared that whilst they had personally signed the Bus Petition subject to debate at the meeting, they did not feel that it prejudiced them: Trevor Carbin, Jamie Capp, Brian Dalton, Peter Edge and Ian West.
Councillor Jon Hubbard stated that he had received a communication from Town and County Planners, for whom his brother-in-law worked. The communication was in relation to the Draft Chippenham Site Allocations Plan. To the best of his knowledge his brother-in-law had not worked directly on that matter and he did not feel this would prejudice him and he stated that he would consider the matter with an open mind.
Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
No declarations of interest were made.
Declarations of Interest
To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
No declarations of interest were made.