Issue - meetings

Chairman's announcements

Meeting: 22/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 41)

Leader's announcements


The Leader invited Cllr Stuart Wheeler to provide an update on member IT.


Cllr Wheeler explained that members would soon receive a communication via Democratic Services to update them on the implementation of a motion agreed by Council on 25 February 2014 as part of budget. The motion related to the provision of tablet devices to members on request to enable paperless meetings. The communication to members would propose the following three options:


1.    The provision of a 16gb wireless only Ipad Air, which would be returned to the Council at the end of a Councillor’s term of office in the same way as a council laptop.


2.    The option of a larger capacity Ipad Air eg 32/64gb wireless or cellular, the cost of which would be in the communication and which would be met by the councillor over a period of say 10 months. The tablet would belong to the Councillor. All Council related applications would be removed at the end of a the Councillor’s term of office.


3.    To use their own device, or decline the offer of an Ipad.


Option 3 would be the default position for any councillors who did not reply. The communication would go out as soon as possible. Training on the use of tablet devices was being considered by the Councillor Development Group.