Issue - meetings

Care Bill

Meeting: 22/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Care Bill

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


Councillor Keith Humphries presented a report which outlined the implications of the Care Bill for the Council. When enacted, the Care Bill would have a wide ranging impact on the way adult social care is delivered in Wiltshire. The report presented set out the key changes from existing legislation.


Cllr Humphries gave a power point presentation which illustrated the main provisions of the Bill which would also be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board. A copy of the presentation is appended to these minutes.


Resolved that Cabinet:


1.            Notes:-


·           The requirements for market shaping and prevention and the benefits of recognising the needs of the whole population in commissioning strategies;

·           The major changes to assessment, eligibility and support planning and the need for thorough preparations for funding reform;

·           The obligations for a statutory Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and the desirability of working with partners to review financial contributions to the SAB.


2.            Asks officers to develop services to make sure they reflect new measures in the Bill, such as:


·           the new duty for local authorities to promote the wellbeing of everyone who is sick or disabled (not just those that receive services arranged or paid for by the council) and a list of matters the council must consider when making decisions

·           outcome focused assessments for everyone that needs care and support (including self-funders) – we currently carry out outcome focused assessments for older people and younger adults, and have reviewed assessment processes for carers and people with mental health needs.

·           requirements to work closely with the NHS to provide integrated services across health and social care – we are already working with acute hospitals and NHS nurses as part of the Help to Live at Home programme but will need to extend this work to other areas.

·           deferred payment agreements, charging, personal budgets and direct payments – the council will need to review, develop and update its procedures on these areas in time for the regulations coming in force in 2015/16.


3.         Note that The Department of Health, Adass and the LGA have set up a single office to help councils deliver on the Care Bill. Staff from the joint office will be getting in touch with individual councils to identify their support needs. Officers will be delivering a programme of work to prepare for the changes, including:


·           Preparing for change to ICT systems and workforce development.

·           Developing plans to identify self-funders in the run up to 2016.

·           Drawing up an engagement plan with the voluntary and community sector

·           Undertaking further modelling on the likely cost

·           Establishing systems to track progress towards their personal care cap.


4.    To endorse the proposals outlined at the end of each section of the report presented.


Reason for decision:


When enacted, the Care Bill will have a wide ranging impact on the way adult social care is delivered in Wiltshire.  Acceptance of these proposals are preparation for its implementation in Wiltshire.